How Paint Colour Affects Your Home's Energy Efficiency
Everyone has a preference when it comes to interior design and paint colours. As home owners, paint colour is something that reflects our individual personalities and truly makes our home unique. But did you know that your choice of wall colour impacts the way your home can retain or reflect heat?
Dark colours absorb 70% - 90% of the radiant energy they are exposed to. So dark rooms will stay warmer longer than light rooms when you let natural sunlight heat that room. Light colours will reflect heat. So in theory, light rooms are best for summer, and dark rooms are best for winter.
We don't suggest repainting your home every spring and fall, and we realize that light and dark colours will make rooms look either bigger or smaller. However, before you make a final decision on a new wall colour, some things need to be taken into consideration.
Not only will dark colours make rooms feel smaller, but dark paint is harder to cover if you ever plan on lightening your walls in the event of a paint change, or home sale. Most Real Estate experts will tell you they suggest a lighter, neutral colour paint scheme for resale.
If you decide to use dark paint, there are some things you can do in the summer months, like keeping curtains shut while the sun is out.
If you had your heart set on a dark colour scheme, but this post has you thinking twice, perhaps consider a bold accent wall. Accent walls can have an equally bold impact on interior design with less consequence to energy efficiency.
If you choose a light colour scheme, you will notice the ability to keep lights off longer as it gets dark. Most paint is given a light reflectance value, or LRV, that can be found on the can. The higher the number, the more light it can reflect, allowing you to make a decision based on how much light enters your home and how to deal with it.
Our technicians are not qualified to make interior design suggestion or lend a hand painting, however we can make suggestions on your major home upgrades. If you have plans on upgrading your home's HVAC system to something with a better energy rating, we would love to help. We offer free, in-home, no-obligation sales consultations. We can be reached 24/7 by phone or online.